M M monhogee97 Aug 29, 2014 I sent you a pm :d can you trade one now...? I need to go to sleep lol and only have room for one rgiht now.
I sent you a pm :d can you trade one now...? I need to go to sleep lol and only have room for one rgiht now.
Kitty2201 Aug 27, 2014 Oh ok, sorry I didn't know if you wanted me to come yet or if you were doing something, I didn't want to just barge in xD I'll be coming over now ^.^
Oh ok, sorry I didn't know if you wanted me to come yet or if you were doing something, I didn't want to just barge in xD I'll be coming over now ^.^
X X xxDianaxx Aug 27, 2014 Lol remember u ain't seeing a pic of me until 50 years time xD , it's nicki minaj c:
X X xxDianaxx Aug 27, 2014 ;D it's a celebrity :0 guess her name she's a rapper , how could u not know her :000000
-majesty Aug 26, 2014 Aww honestly your so sweet ;w; I would give you a buttload of things if you would just accept them xD but honestly I understand so take your time. Just tell me whenever your ready, also is there anything at all you would like to have? tysm ♥
Aww honestly your so sweet ;w; I would give you a buttload of things if you would just accept them xD but honestly I understand so take your time. Just tell me whenever your ready, also is there anything at all you would like to have? tysm ♥
-majesty Aug 26, 2014 I'm guessing your not a available right now :<? Lol that's okay considering you always give most of your time to me x3
I'm guessing your not a available right now :<? Lol that's okay considering you always give most of your time to me x3
-majesty Aug 26, 2014 hi again matty I have another extra space c: so whenever your online just shoot me a message >u<
X X xxDianaxx Aug 26, 2014 I have ankha , lobo , lolly , Wolfgang , Claudia , marshal lol that's all I remember
X X xxDianaxx Aug 25, 2014 Hey Matt! I'm going to be selling my Nintendo and game so is there any villagers you looking for or any thing all for free let me know ya xD
Hey Matt! I'm going to be selling my Nintendo and game so is there any villagers you looking for or any thing all for free let me know ya xD
X X xxDianaxx Aug 25, 2014 Hey Matt! I'm going to be selling my Nintendo and game so is there any villagers you looking for or any thing all for free let me know ya xD
Hey Matt! I'm going to be selling my Nintendo and game so is there any villagers you looking for or any thing all for free let me know ya xD