Mints Sep 28, 2014 Whoo thank goodness your online now! If you can, I'm ready for whoever is next if your not available now, there's always next time c:
Whoo thank goodness your online now! If you can, I'm ready for whoever is next if your not available now, there's always next time c:
Mints Sep 27, 2014 Awww lol okay that's sweet xD Anyways if you did forget they are Maple, Flurry, Marina, and Zucker I think Wish we could talk more >~< How you been doing ?
Awww lol okay that's sweet xD Anyways if you did forget they are Maple, Flurry, Marina, and Zucker I think Wish we could talk more >~< How you been doing ?
Mints Sep 26, 2014 Great c: If your available now, by any chance I have an extra space open. If you forgot for my dreamies were I don't mind telling you again lol
Great c: If your available now, by any chance I have an extra space open. If you forgot for my dreamies were I don't mind telling you again lol
M M mashedpotaties Sep 17, 2014 MATT IM SO SORRY. I'm a careless idiot. Beau is in boxes due to a timetraveling accident and I'm freaking out about it. D:
MATT IM SO SORRY. I'm a careless idiot. Beau is in boxes due to a timetraveling accident and I'm freaking out about it. D:
Mints Sep 5, 2014 I have like 3 spaces open right now lol so whenever your un-busy (is that a word..?) feel free to come by, but I'm not done with you after that just yet!
I have like 3 spaces open right now lol so whenever your un-busy (is that a word..?) feel free to come by, but I'm not done with you after that just yet!
Mints Sep 3, 2014 Whoo I have another space open! And luckily you online (unless your busy of course then let me know c:!) tysm again, I can't thank you enough ;w;
Whoo I have another space open! And luckily you online (unless your busy of course then let me know c:!) tysm again, I can't thank you enough ;w;
PockiPops Aug 30, 2014 Flurry is super cute and her house is in the best place ever! ^_^ Thanks again!
C C Cahrii(4570~8165~3496) Aug 30, 2014 I am oribbaly just going to get someone out now, and I'll get chrissy in. The next few mins :')
C C Cahrii(4570~8165~3496) Aug 30, 2014 Hi, it won't let me message you back! But yes yes yes! I'll gladly take her :'D Give me a couple of minutes to get someone out please c':???
Hi, it won't let me message you back! But yes yes yes! I'll gladly take her :'D Give me a couple of minutes to get someone out please c':???