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  • ahahaha ive seen you around but was too shy to say hi

    conersations starters 101, ive seen the anime but i couldnt really connect with it o-o it was really confusing but the art was pretty
    and my town is currently full but thanks for the offer c:
    Oh shucks-----I just read ur boobie thing and all I can say is "no pain, no gain" ouch D:
    Yay I have a tbt BFF NOW!!! We can share secrets, clothes, and shiny things xD. And yes school is a killer, miserable but I'm still happy your alive & breathing (for now hehehehehe ouo) Talking to me as is, it puts a smile on my face :D

    Oh- and I visited your website once actually you were there but I think you were AFK or something, I was to shy to talk oh noes :c and I left but it was a new, and exciting experience of course teehee. We can try to work something out tho. :)
    But as they say of the quote from mean girls "In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything ..." Pshhh lol that's true sometimes! But yeah I wonder if there is going to be a costume show-off thing though, it would be interesting! Oh and hopefully we can arrange a time to meet up to meet up for my villagers also! This so far is the longest trade I had with anyone XD. I am in CST time, which you can search up on google. Oh and omg I just realized that I am spamming your profile!!!!! Ahhhh I'm sorry Dxxxxx
    Oh wow that must be really unfortunate :( but I guess that would make berthing even for both genders X)
    And yes that is not a myth it is a fact I swear, boobs DOOO HURT. Especially on your period (which you won't have any experience in unfortunately -_-) but yes they do suck to have which makes me sad. And it's totally fine this is a normal conversation for me XD (not) so it's totally fine I'm tooootally comfortable with this (not trying to be sarcastic omg)
    Oh noes, I forgot to reply to you again I'm sorry Dx the studying is killing me omfg. And I actually spilled milk on me while writing this S H $ T!!!! Okay now I'm sad ;( but yes let us finish where we left off~~~

    Yes I know it's crazy it's sorta like carrying two melons on your chest all day, every day, for the rest of your life ;u ;; now tell me, is it easy being a guy?

    Oh and I honestly never been there, I can scared really EASILY so even the tacky haunted houses scare me.... the pain Dx

    Oh! And might I remind you I have an extra space open!!! :D whoopiee
    (Unless of course something happened to your game or ds which would be unfortunate oh noooo D:!!!!)
    Sure thing probably on the day of Halloween or before by then cx

    But yes, my Aunt actually has the biggest size there is it's like a 10x double DD ( a Z maybe even ?) haha anyways it kinda sucks for her but there are perks to it because yes while men are attracted, do you even know how much back pain she suffers from D;? And she has to get a dress fitted for her when she sits down because those melons can just plop on the table and like wow ouo.... I don't even know what to say.

    Okay this is getting weird x)
    Ahhh omfg I would have loved to see that owo, must have been hilarious I'm assured :). And a little fan? How big is that I wonder c: lol

    But this year I'm going to make a costume myself (again) and hopefully with no fail :Ddddsds. I'm not sure if I mentioned this already but I'll probably be dressed up as a solider like in the army or something :p what I hate is that women costumes they make now are so sexualized like I would want to be Minnie Mouse for once without my boobs being shown -_- it's annoying af but I guess the guys wouldn't mind honestly Dx
    Oh jeez x3
    Lol I love you (as a friend) very much as well!! ^^ Also if you are going to dress up- what will you be as? I've always dressed up every year and I tried to actually make a bunny costume when I was in like 6th grade and it looked absolutely terrible and I still wore it to school back then I didn't realize it was embarrassing until now omg D;
    I honestly really miss you c:
    and just talk about life atm, i wanna spam your inbox but then you will just get annoyed so i will
    just send you a really long paragraph x). its fine though honestly you don't have to help me
    anymore because i appreciate your kindness and don't want to be a burden anymore ;< so
    live a fun and happy life xD, also!!! do you celebrate Halloween :D?
    ive missed you too awh! ^^

    i could never thank you enough for all the times you've helped me omg;; ;3;
    idk if you know but i lost zucker awhile ago so but i only need to cycle..7 more? to get him back >O< i'll send you a pm ;; ^^
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