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  • I remembered that Waffles was doing a giveaway on him (in which you were supposed to get him), but she accidentally tt'd him out, and since not many people are looking for him, you were the person who stood out to me when Camofrog was being given away again ^_^

    Also i think i saw it in your signature too :eek:

    Edit: probably not from your sig, but i remembered you were looking for either Blaire or him.
    Aww thanks =3 I know you well and I know Kyoko very good(we chat on kik) but i don't know ruby and yehthats would be cool making a group
    So that is why I shall pick frog-ninja! They have not responded about Tia yet but I hope I will get her <3 just finished paying off for the campsite in Rown, do I log in tommorow with a new character for the trick or on Saturday? (Not TT, to risky XD)
    I wish you were here just to Hang out all day and play ACNL or Pokemon :I that would be so fun! Yay for log distance wifi! (Hooray!)
    Sorry if I came across as rude in the comment! But I still felt you were over reacting over the loss of stitches for such a low offer ;w; ?

    Sorry if I came across as mean!
    And typing all this still doesnt really make my comment any better D:
    But I'm still sorry if you were offended by what I said.
    :D thank you for telling (insert name here) about me looking for Tia! They have not responded if they got her from the campsite for me yet, but still that is really nice of you! *hugs* thank you so much!
    ^^) my dad this morning saids that we might stop by Game Stop tomorrow *sqee* i think ill get X, and pick the water type ninja! (with his creepy tongue scarf thing...)

    D: dont hug me to tight though, my whole body is really messed up right now (gah whyyy)
    I was just kidding about the not-greeting-me-on-my-birthday part.

    I love to provoke guilt trip though. ♡

    And I see that you got Pokemon already. Congratulations! I should be opening mine soon, later.

    On the bright side, work was canceled because of the typhoon or tropical storm. Whatever it is! |:

    PS: I didn't mean to stalk you in that thread, LOL XD. I was looking at it for Merengue.
    Bonjour Monsieur! How are you? i could be better, after the sugury i have been ill all afternoon, but i woke up now and feel i bit better :S how was your day? also in Rown ill be building the campsite (should tonight oops) and ill do the reset trick for Blaire! <3
    Bonjour Monsieur! How are you? i could be better, after the sugury i have been ill all afternoon, but i woke up now and feel i bit better :S how was your day? also in Rown ill be building the campsite (should tonight oops) and ill do the reset trick for Blaire! <3
    I'm sad. >:

    Matt-y, oh Matt, you didn't greet me on my birthday.

    I guess I'm not your favorite teacher.

    Haha, just kidding. But hi!
    I'm sad. >:

    Matt-y, oh Matt, you didn't greet me on my birthday.

    I guess I'm not your favorite teacher.

    Haha, just kidding. But hi!
    I'm sad. >:

    Matt-y, oh Matt, you didn't greet me on my birthday.

    I guess I'm not your favorite teacher.

    Haha, just kidding. But hi!
    After my Ankha trade, I want to do another giveaway with all the rare sets Ill be getting. I need you to help me make a copy of them so I can give them away:3
    :D hai! i am going to take a nap now (not feeling well) but maybe later you can come over to Rown i hope later today D:
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