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  • lol, well, I don't have Pokemon!!! I think my friend is plotting to buy me it, though.

    I was getting a drink, I'll open in a moment.
    Autumn Moon (Closest full moon to the Autumnal Equinox) - Look to the sky and appreciate that glorious orb of rock orbiting our planet. Drop by the Plaza to get a Wheat Bundle from Isabelle. If you own a European version of the game, you'll be given a Veggie Basket. Koreans will get a Songpyeon. Japanese players will receive a Dango.
    I can't believe you're actually complaining that there is nobody for you to help lol! You must be THE kindest and most generous person on this forum <3 I would never take advantage of that, but thank you so much for offering to help <3
    Hehe. I'm still active! Mainly lurking though lol. Trawling through the threads to find Rosie/Lolly for a reasonable price XD I can try to help- what do u need luv?
    Yeah, I never got a message from you yesterday other than the very first one. No worries though. I'll stop by now!
    The Sandwich Display, the 24-hour Work Shirt, and the 24-hour shop counter.

    Eeee, thank you sooo much, so generous of you! ^-^
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