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  • Good dream, I'm so proud of you;u; So what are you fancying right now?:3 A bot of cheese, maybe some ham and lettuce? :3 Or are you craving meat? xD OkieeDokie c: Just tell me when;3 Ask me whatever you may need c: I'm not bored, I just wanna help youc: Mission accepted xD My main priority is too look for Blair now c:< Mwahaha I will be victorious >:3
    Pahahahahahah xD A mans dream right... To make you a sandwich? xD Ohohoho xD Dat doesn't count mr;3 You nearly got me;3 It has to be something you want from me, a present:3 Hmmmm I is sad now ;×; I dunno if I do I shall have a look but I wouldn't count on it xD No villagers you want me to reset for?:3 Come on Matty pick something xD
    Nooooooooo ;×; You know what I meant xD Shhhh xD Omg it took me ages to understand what you meant xD Yayayayayayayay!:3 I is the winner xD What would you like oh Matty boy?:3 Well you don't have to, and you could watch me for amusement.. But I'd like it if you did save me:3 Nooooope, that my marshmallows silly x3. Blegh, its salty;w; Why can't we have flavoured tears? =3=.. Goooood boy xD Its owkaaaaay, I luv u 2 son:>
    Ohhh thank you! I haven't been playing much lately except like 15 minutes per day to play everyday. I will check them out soon. May be a good chance to finish my KK collection ^^.
    Sowwy I was doing art work xD Awww dats so cute, I'm sure if cookies could cry, they would be crying choco chip tears;u; Dey are, dey are xD Treat them nicely 'cause they es a bit skitty D: Nao, you must ask for something physical xD I wanna repay you for being so sweet c: Otherwise I'll cry a river and then we'll have to swim in it;×; And I swim like a fish having a idek.. I just can't swim well.___.' Awww so sweet:3 As are you, as are you;) Yuush I did indeedy c: But you can take your time, idm c: Dats it, drink the juice c:< Heh.
    Oooo decisions D: Maybe Pinapple?;3 Or or Pink Grapefruit *3* Oh dat stuff is the shizz xD
    Thats a secret my dear, I'll leave it to your imagination c: Awwww I'm so happy;u; My cookie making skills are feeling the luuuuuv xD Naaaaaao xD You must ask for something this time xD I won't let you leave till you do mwahahahah c:< ..Don't even think about flipping your wifi either xD Uhmmm well about that..ha.. haa.. I have juice?:3
    Thank you ^^! I actually recently my name recently from Arietta to Leanne. IRL my name is "Arietta Leanne" but I go with Leanne and I'm glad people like it.

    And go ahead! I haven't updated my dream town in a while, but I still want opinions. o:
    Don't get me wrong - I'm very serious and occasionally strict. I just think there should be opportunities for fun as well. It's important to let pupils know who's the boss but there's nothing wrong with not being serious aaaalll the time.

    The secret to teaching a language that's new to children is to start from scratch and to use their frame of reference when explaining words / rules. Teaching the ****-rule (not sure if you call it that too - I mean the rule that third person singular (**** = he/she/it) gets an s after verbs in the present simple) is always lots of fun. I like using fun to teach serious stuff.

    You're not distracting me at all, I only message when the pupils are working by themselves and don't need my help.

    You're still so young so I'm sure you'll see the world one day. It's really worth it. ^_^ Now I really have to go as I'm going into my final class of the day and I have a parent-teacher night to prep after this.

    See you around! ^_^
    Actually I'm teaching right now, my pupils are working on their assignments. Every now and then I walk back to my computer and check TBT occasionally. :p

    I know most pupils think we only work and sleep, but this is definitely not the case, not even for my older (50+) colleagues.

    I also speak a little German (I manage), French (ditto), Chinese (spent half a year there for a minor in college, I can still speak it, but the Chinese speak too fast for me to understand them. XD

    Travelling is awesome, you should get out of the US sometime soon (no idea how old you are though), the world's an amazing place. :)

    Btw - I will remember all the grammar rules forever, just like the words. I'm afraid of forgetting set prepositions - I often end up having to google them. -_-
    LOL a celebrity, my pupils certainly don't think so. :p I'm only 25 so my interests might not be that different from my pupils'. Maybe in 40 years I'll be old and boring as well but I doubt it - life is as fun as you make it to be.

    I teach English, which was my favourite subject when I was a pupil myself and I enjoy it a lot. ^_^ I spent a long time in the UK when I was still a student but I'm afraid I'm losing my English bit by bit at the moment, as I don't get to speak to natives a lot. I'm glad I get to use English on this community a lot so I won't forget. XD

    By the way, it's Ms. Puuhi. ;)
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