aww, I'm sorrys D:
And oh wow! That is a lot of stuff :O It will be hard to choose from! x3 I will definitely keep a list in mind of course and I won't ask for too much! I still appreciate all the kindness though
awww, thank you Summer Santa! I appreciate it wholeheartedly~
Actually, any fortune cookies you can get would be great, I was really bored and gave away all my cookie items and wanted to do another one:3 but you gotta let me pay^~^ and glad to know messing with me is so fun xD
That's no problem at all ^-^!
Thanks a lot but I still need some more public projects but they never suggest anything ;___;
May I ask you if you have the fish or weeding set? ^-^ Ah your insect set is ready Just say when you have time.
I'll check your thread out later <3
Thanks a lot
And I have to say I really don't find the second set - I really don't know where you dropped it D: - *edit* found it now ^-^
Thanks again for the princess set <3 ^-^ That was really kind if I can help you ever with anything let me know it! - I'm curious what's up with the other set? Maybe I'm blind and don't see it ^-^
No worries. No rush btw, he doesn't TT and his 10th villager isn't moving out until tomorrow. x3 I'll probably just get him to register on the forums, since his Cookie is moving and he might want some bells for her...
Awww very very nice of you! I can't wait but I will definitely be thinking of something soon for you I will try not to make it a big list xD and oh no no, paying isn't too much of what I like to offer really. If anything I like giving any gifts or getting any gifts you would like to the best of my ability :3
And okay! can't wait for you to visit again and you can look around my town if you want too while you're visiting ^^
Noooo! I was worried that might have happened DX I'm so so sorry I feel really bad >< hmmm, don't worry! Maybe I can ask around for ppl who have her and if they do, to definitely contact you right away! I'm so sorrys I know how much you wanted her
And are you sure still though? It would be very nice of you but of you want to though!