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  • You gotta let me pay you though^~^ a summer santa cant deliver presents if he has no money to pay for them xD
    Would you mind selling me the ice, princess, or sweets set to help me win a villager auction^~^ ill pay 2 million for each:3
    Awww that's good xD she's really cools and a good friend. And I'm very glad to meet you, you are just as kind as well, to give very nice presents away :3 and yayyyy! But I really would like to return a gift though :)
    Awww you sound very excited! I really hope you have her now :D I know she's in a good town with you ^^
    Ohhh okays Dx brothers sometimes lol and you're very welcome my new friend! :D again thank you for the thought of it and yesh I shall get it again next time, I can wait ^^ and awww that's sweet :) I'm glad you're happy! I hope everything turned out fine though since there was an error :O but I did save so hopefully nothing went wrong.
    And awww, I won't either! Imma add you as a friend on here :3
    alrighty me gates are open and ready for visiting x3 or in your case ready to get blaire! Haha xD and awww sounds like you really would like her to be in your town :3 its nice ^^ and again, no probs!
    Whoo! Glad that works out well :3 and alrightys opening my gates now! :D
    And you're very welcome of course ^^ always glad to help :D and oh my, that would definitely be a big offer!!
    Whoo! Glad that works out well :3 and alrightys opening my gates now! :D
    And you're very welcome of course ^^ always glad to help :D and oh my, that would definitely be a l
    Aww it's how I am ^^ and ohhh nuuuu sounds bad DX and sure :3 everything tis good here, I will be opening my gates soon!
    I love helping ppl out though x3 and awww sounds like her, she's really nice though :)
    Are you sure? D: I could offer something even if its small >< thanks so much again I can't thank you enough of course. Wowwww that's a lot though! :O
    Awww thanks so so much I really do appreciate it! I will think of something in return to give you as well :) hmmm, I like the eraser sofa :D it looks really cools :O
    And it's okays I'm pretty patient :)
    Awww xD we seem more similar than we think! Haha and hmmm, it's really tempting... And I love the Japanese stuff.. >.<
    Awwww thank you so much but I think I only want the dango it looks really cools and I don't want to ask for too much >.<
    I do appreciate it very much!
    Aww well I'm glad to help! And very kind of you of course :3 and can't wait to have you visit :D just tell me when you're ready and my gates will be reopened. Again thank you so much!
    And awww that's cools and I'm sure you are x3
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