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  • uhh, hi xD Thanks for the link, I'd already seen the topic tho :) There's a few items I'd like but I've been rather busy so I keep forgetting xD
    Oh why thank you ;3 I shall later 'cause I left this logged in by mistake and I gotta go to school-.- Fabulous.
    Oo lah lah how sweet xD Awww thanks xD I shall have a little nose around then xD Mwhahahaha xD
    Also, I think I have some stuff that you're missing, like the cello ect, so would you like me to order you the stuff you're missing if I see some more things you need?:3
    I'm not shy at all! It's just that I wouldn't ask for anything! Not without giving something in return!
    And you know I would never ask you to get my gifts.. I would never ever ask for it!
    Yo, I need to go to bed now but I'll be online tomorrow at around the time when you posted that message on my wall yesterday. (7-8pm AEST) I'd understand if you'd rather not wait for me to come pick her up if you need the space desperately!
    I HAVE A SPACE! Finally ~_~ Are you online now for me to come over and grab Mathilda? I've already added you.
    He doesn't have a space in his town, apparently Cookie likes it there too much and doesn't want to leave. (told him she was moving a few days ago but still hasn't left) I'd take Mathilda in his stead but I don't have space either. D: Actually if you can hang on a while, I'll try to TT Peewee out.
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