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  • Yay we're on at the same time ^_^ There's someone at my town atm, so do you prefer mine or yours? :3
    I just ordered some items which you're missing :) Going to stalk your profile until you're online c:<
    Dnfkdnfkd I seem to catch you online every time I'm ready to go to bed x_x But yes, thanks again ^_^ I'm basically online at 5-6pm GMT+1 where I actually have my 3ds on me. Luckily there are still nice people out there and I'll try and be one... My blue roses are still breeding in process because I accidentally killed one lol XD
    Emergawsh you're too nice x_x And I'll definetely try and find something for a tip, you'll probably alreadly have it alreadly, oh well ^o^ Are you online tomorrow? Because I'm probably be available then... And sorry for always being busy >:c I'm so annoying >_<
    Ahh you're too generous adsmdoqle x_x Do you want anything? You can catalog some of my stuff which I didn't see in yours (I'd let you keep but I promised them to someone else :$) I'm probably out most the day, making the most before school starts :3 Sorry about the late replies, I'm basically half asleep @_@
    Every time I catch you online, I'm about to go to bed x_x And sorry about spamming you with my VM's and PM's @_@ But I'm more of a oh-you're-online-so-am-I person (in other words, unorganised) If not then I saw someone else selling one so no worries ^_^
    Is the watering can still up for grabs? I seem to miss you every time you're online D: I am aware you have you're 2 giveaways are going on so don't worry about it if you're too busy c:
    Phew I am finally done. Sorry for the wait, just drop me a message when you want to do the catalog thing. Also, what was your offer again? xD
    Hi! I have your classroom floor ready to trade for your bathhouse wall. I already added you, too. Should I open my gates for you?
    Should I come later when you're not busy and drop off the Bed and the Desk?
    In that case, look forward to it. I have to move the doubles into my locker next and I should be set xD
    I was considering it but its a lot of work, and I'd have to double check if people stole stuff or not :/

    Do you happen to have a list of carpet/wallpaper you need to catalog?
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