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  • Actually ive been looking for complete furniture sets:3 if you have any I'd love to buy them from you^~^
    (Notice the BUY xD)
    Kyoko, he offered be 3 beans and 1M and I was like "Woah :O hold up" knowing him he might actually give you 10 million bells!haha xp
    In that case i need 10 million bells xD but youve already given me alot, i couldnt ask for money^~^ my house is already almost paied off, i can get the rest:3
    Awh thank you your majesty hehe c= and thank you again c= and that user feels my feelings haha c=
    Thats all i thought i had on me until i remebered i had some bells in a piece of mail >~< so i thought if at least offer what i didnt have in the ABD xD
    Have you got anything else you're trying to collect or any items your looking for and I'll be more than happy to check my catalog for you.
    Your highness? Haha sometimes being a princess or any type of royalty would be awesome hehe ^.^
    Its not taking if I offered it:3 and by the way, your crazy for not taking two furniture sets so generously offeredxD
    Heyheyhey, Matt... YOU'RE HAVING THE 2 FURNITURE SETS. NO BUTS! That's final okay:)
    Its great, much^~^ you woulsnt let me pay you though>~< but i am grateful for the fertilizer and golden can:3
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