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  • Oh no! Keep your last bean! One will do...and I'm okay about the delay, been pretty busy trading with several people anyway, haven't had time for anything haha xD
    i wanna pre order it tho so i have a for sure copy tho!

    yes i rage. i get very angry. i was looking at headsets at my work today, they're just so expensive.

    lol yeah no more action replay. i use ar for shinies sometimes.
    Thank you so much! For giving me Genji and for letting me catalog all those songs! :3
    You're awesome! <3
    I'm sorry you had to said goodbye to him at all but I promise I'll take care of him! <3
    I'm going to your town now :3
    Mine seems to be working, weird. Can you let me know when the server is back up for you? :3 Again, thank you! I appreciate you staying in the same day <3
    Thank you so much! But I understand Muffy one of my favorites keep asking to move no matter how many times I say no D:

    I added you, could you add me back so I can go get him? :3 My FC: 3883-5448-8372
    Hello! :3 I wanted to know if Genji is gone? If not I would love to have him, he is one of my dreamies.
    I haven't missed your giveaway yet, have I? It's only been 5 minutes since you announced that you'd be opening your gate, but I can't find it on the available towns list x.x Apologies if I'm being impatient, I just want to make sure that I don't miss you again! :>
    yeah i probably won't end up getting fire emblem because of pokemon x and y. i still gotta reserve my copy. lol. did you reserve yours?
    hey i like skylanders, alright? xD

    lmao that's great. that's why i want a headset :p but i better not because it'll get violent lol.

    yes they are the best. aww it'sokay.
    omigosh so they shot you and left you, then you shot them and left them all. that's funny lol.

    for my 3ds i just have mario kart, animal crossing, sims, and skylanders. i want to get fire emblem and pokemon x/y

    i have all my shooters and fighting on my ps3 :p
    lol i know you did! it's alright, no worries.
    oh wow. so you haven't played that game since?

    aww you don't use the online stuff?
    no i don't have any resident evil games D:
    >.< don't do that! that's posting on your own profile silly.

    oh okay. i haven't played left 4 dead. it seems all the good games you can just get for ps3/xbox so i just stick to my ps3 :p i need to get a headset still.

    you're welcome:) it's okay no worries. it's fine just talking on here silly!
    nothing's wrong with my computer:p
    lol how do you post on your own profile? just hit view conversation
    just carry your 3ds on wherever you go. i know i have a hard time streetpassing unless i go on a trip.

    yeah..i haven't played on steam in a while.i use to play spiral knights. i need a new rpg for the computer. i usually just play the systems tho. hbu
    lol idk i saw it was on your profile so i assumed it was for me, if not i'm sorry D:

    well if you bring your 3ds places, you can street pass with people.
    do you use steam?
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