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  • Its great, much^~^ you woulsnt let me pay you though>~< but i am grateful for the fertilizer and golden can:3
    Thank you!^_^ Just warning you, my town is under construction with a new not even half done path and there's a lot of stuff and fruit on the floor because my locker room is overflowing, and i need to sell them, just a warning :3, and I've added you c=
    Fine, you win, but this isn't over! Oh no! Haha. So I'll bring the furniture sets to yours? ^ _ ^
    You're the kindest, really!^.^ No! I am only gonna have the beans ...that's it... And I would like you to take minimalist set aswell. No buts.
    Oh you can have everything in the set!! I'm not using it, even if I was if still give it you!^.^
    The only full sets I have are:

    And a few others but they're not full.
    Can you wait 5 minutes? :) then what we'll do in my town? :3 cai i have beans?
    Hello... Can i visit your town? Then maybe i could help u with some some songs i have
    well i think the creators don't mind what people do with the game. it's all how you wanna play the game.

    that was silly:p
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