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  • Itss okay, now you know. :p

    I refunded the tbt bells. Good luck in your rosie search!
    Okay heres what happened. You invited rosie from my town but before she could place her plot down, you invited diana. Correct? If so, then diana replaced rosie as a move in so yeah.. You lost rosie.

    Yu should always make sure a villager placed her plot down before you invite neone else into your town from campsites or from other traders. Or else the 2nd invite will replaced the first... In this case... Diana replaced rosie.
    Hmm i dont see why Rosie wouldnt move to your town unless you did some weird TTing or invited a camper at the same time that would have messed up her plot. However, i will refund you the tbt bells if you can send me a picture of your map that shows your current villagers living in your town. I dont want to be scammed.
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