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  • gates are open... sorry took so long. that's what I get for doing too many things at once. Just don't run in the flowers, her house is RIGHT next to the train station. I'll end multiplayer as soon as she has agreed. =3
    great! ^-^ I just got online. Here is the information for the cycle town ((different than the info I have on my profile since that's for my main town)) |FC::3497-1351-6330|Mii::Fleebz|ACChar::Warden|ACTown::Cycle| I'll see about getting her into boxes and I'll message as soon as I open gates!
    So... will you be able to get him today? I don't know if I'll be online for the next few days.
    Lol! I only met lucassimms in a thread and he was nice then. Maybe I was just lucky that day. :)
    I assume you're in bed and that's fine. I'll be on tomorrow looking for you. Just let me know when you're online and ready to pick him up! Night ~ :)
    Are you still online? Marshal said he'd be in boxes on the 20th. I'll TT him into boxes whenever you're available to pick him up. :)
    You don't have to be a tomboy to be mature darlin' and being in fights does not define maturity. Just saying.
    Sure it's your choice, but it's really immature and not just that will probably not get you any additional respect from others. I am not continuing this conversation, you acting as stereotypical as you are now simply disgusts me. And I would rather refrain from getting mean to you. Don't call yourself mature when you clearly are not.
    Do you mean since you're a female you're allowed to get butthurt about every little thing? Excuse me? I'm a female myself and I find what you said extremely offensive, and stereotypical. Your gender does not mean that you're allowed to be ''weak'' I never said you're not allowed to be weak anyways, all I said is that it would be wiser to get some balls and man up. Sheesh xI
    I can confirm that Lucas is 14, It's stupid to assume that he's 20 tbh. Where did you get the 20 year old thing anyways? I understand that Lucas is somewhat of a rude person online, but is it really that hard to just... take it? You're not gonna survive in the real world if you can't take a single harsh word. People judge alot and crying about every single thing will get you literally, Nowhere.
    Lucas likes to act as a different person online, so he can troll people and stuff, but he still is a good person, and not just that pretty mature for his age aswell. Which you, in my opinion atleast are not. Don't claim that you are please.

    Ps. Let's laugh together at how short and small he is for his age, he looks like a littel babeh.
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