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  • Alright, my good friend, I am gonna tell you why you're wrong.
    1. Spam - I did not spam you, so your argument is flawed right there.
    2. Cursing - It was censored for a reason, get over it yeah?
    3. Not liking my art - No where in the Rules and Guidelines of The Bell Tree Forums does it say that I can get banned for not liking Luckypinch's art. Grow up.
    tats wot i fukin fot m8 if u wanna 1v1 me den go rite ahed bcuz m8 in mai gaim u aint **** u here dat m8 i swer 2 god u rile me rite teh fok up so if u wana keep tlkin **** online den be mai fukin gest but jus u fukin kno m8 tat i am here and i am fokin w8in
    No luck on Marshal STILL. Ugh. I got Stitches though in my campsite! Lol. Lucky me.
    How much longer will you be available? If he goes into boxes and you aren't here I'll make sure to hold him for you.
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