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  • Holy shoot xD Flowers are p great but like I said I just don't have room for like, anything... lol I must make a new character bc x3 the storage space haha.

    Yeah though it's just a thing that most gaming systems can't connect to university or college wifi (or other similar things like hotel wifi).
    I've been to a few hotels where it actually works, but honestly that's rare. SUcks too bc I love trading and stuff, it made me play the game more but now that I can rarely trade, I just don't go on as much. :/
    My friend made this art for me, it's me and sana. Me and her have an inside joke, that I'm a corgi because of my username on a game xD
    You need to watch ' My Hero Academia' I just watched another 3 episodes. Wow my day has been productive XD
    I sold some of the flowers so a few have been taken away from your order, but I have these that you asked for:
    x11 Pink tulip
    x6 Orange Lily
    x2 Black lily
    x1 Pink carnation
    x30 Black rose
    x15 Gold rose

    is this okay? if my math is right it equals to 130tbt. I don't mind if you wanna change anything c:
    Hiya, sorry for the late reply! Let me know when your online so i can deliver your flowers c:
    I only end up sitting on them by accident. Don't think I have seen one villager sit on them. Which could be cute, exceptionally if you catch them sleeping while sitting.
    Right now works for me, town is called Lotus and mayor is Lily.

    That would be my best guess. But who needs five rocks to sit on? This whole thing has just taught me not to settle on one idea. When it comes to the perfect town map.
    Whenever is good for you works for me :)

    Yeah I think there's seven, but I plan on making it work. It's a bit of a shame they added more rocks with the update. But at the same time no map is truly 100% perfect.
    Mhm probably gonna try and get that done asap. But not tonight, tonight I wanted to focus on items. I'd love for you to come check out the town before it gets going.

    Though the amount of rocks will be more than expected. xD
    It's alright that I didn't get it. I realized to late that what I was chasing wasn't very exciting. I was chasing the old town with no room for new ideas. I'm feeling really excited about this town, I even changed names.
    Well I found a map :) it's not the map I was going for and it doesn't have peaches. But I'm excited to work with it.
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