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  • Oh damn I see, yeah its' understandable, everyone is busier nowadays, mainly since school is starting up and summer is coming to an end. ;;

    Holy sh!t though Moogle did you really xD That's crazy, but hey more flowers are good. I'd have given you a ton for free tbh since I'm running out of room to breed again... but I can't really play online with people or do trades since my 3ds can't directly connect to the wifi here... eugh
    I found out a way to do it but it requires me chewing through my phone's data which is like, no thanks :')
    As many as you need! Just let me know in the game so I don't close my gates.
    Hey!! Your order is ready :) I added your friend code and my gates are open! I have your flowers in two different spots so Ill lead you to the first one and when you're done picking those up, I'll take you to the second area.
    I think I forgot to reply to you again ohmygoodness...
    I can get so easily distracted by things
    Hello! You won the My Melody dress in my giveaway! You have 2 days to respond and let me know when to deliver your prize. Adding your FC now :)
    Ma'am, you're supposed to BE IN BED BY 1!?!?!?!? YOUR NOT IN BED EVER?!?!!!???
    If you're up for it, do you want to try trading at least some of the stuff in the morning? I tend to be woken up by my cats around 6 or 6:15, so 8 to 8:15 your time. I'll have almost two hours before the first of my errands
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