togen Sep 4, 2017 Sorry, I hadn't seen your message until just now! If you want to trade now I'm up for it, I'll get you the black and blue roses, how many would you want?
Sorry, I hadn't seen your message until just now! If you want to trade now I'm up for it, I'll get you the black and blue roses, how many would you want?
T T tinycomet Sep 3, 2017 HELLO ^-^ There was no point to this message other than to say hi and hope you're having a good day c:
HELLO ^-^ There was no point to this message other than to say hi and hope you're having a good day c:
Midna64 Sep 2, 2017 Nah its fine I rather do it now so I can tend to the others tomorrow~ added you btw and opened!
Midna64 Sep 2, 2017 Hello I can scan in Blathers in for you now! Sorry I can not scan in Celeste because I have not unlocked her yet~ Sorry
Hello I can scan in Blathers in for you now! Sorry I can not scan in Celeste because I have not unlocked her yet~ Sorry
K K KnoxUK Sep 2, 2017 Your vocabulary has improved, but gains you no velocity, a pterodactyl is more pointier than you.
K K KnoxUK Sep 2, 2017 Your statement seems dareish, maybe devilish but I Shall proceed to win with leverage.
Midna64 Sep 2, 2017 Uhh Im sorry I dont know why I cant scan in Celeste or Blathers I can scan in any other ones just fine but not them :/
Uhh Im sorry I dont know why I cant scan in Celeste or Blathers I can scan in any other ones just fine but not them :/