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  • Hello! I'm still interested in the pictures, but do you think you could hold them for me for a bit? I forgot that the new hybrid collectible is coming out soon and I would like to save my tbt for that for now. :)

    I will still buy the photos for 20 tbt, but can it wait a few days or so?
    Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you!
    Thanks for the advice, but I think a NFC reader is more cost efficient than a new 3DS :)
    Also what does TBT? mean I'm a noob on this forum.
    Your too kind :) If I had my NFC reader I would be able to scan splatoon, zelda and a Issebelle Amiibo, but my sister has it :/
    I may need to request another so he's not so lonely waving by himself. I'll give you one of Redd's true art pieces 'Motherly statue'
    I meant I had the Scorpio Lamp, sorry! well thank you anyway :) and that's some dedication to buy 2 copies of the game, but to be fair I wouldn't even tamper with my legit copy. Is there any items I could look out for you by the way?
    Hi ~ so sorry for the late reply.. had to run some errands and didn't think it'd take this long ~
    but I am available starting now till later tonight!
    Yeah, that's why i gave up on the town's design, Instead I fully focus on the house interior instead. You should visit some time to check it out :)
    Deal, but if you don't listen.. Your gonna get burned no pun intended because immtea lol
    Same here Especially when your villagers place their houses where-ever they please. The amount of times I had to re-arrange/build around them. Fun Times :D
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