The hacker was a nice guy, he told me NEVER pick up a mannequin from the floor because it will corrupt your save data. Also hacking the game would kill any incentive of playing the game :/ However it would make town development really fun. That's the only issue with the game.
Well let's hope we can become good business partners I also picked up a item from a hacked town a while back, I didn't realize how hard it was to obtain its the Flower Wand
More like always lose track of time. You aren't fully grown yet anyway. You need your rest or your eyes will get worse, you will get terrible migraines and it will just suck.
Yeah,, there's a lot of events for my orientation schedule too so I'm just out for hours on end. Going to every event would be impossible too because they're quite literally one right after the other.
Hopefully you'll like it better.
Also sorry my reply is late, this week I moved in to my college residence and it's orientation week right now so there's just so much going on
Oh, I'm sorry about that. I'll get you the wig. If you want we can do that now, I just need to go get it and I'll come over to your town. No need to pay me.