I I ididntdoanythingtocube Aug 28, 2017 Hi, your town's not showing up, did you close your gates? Sorry if i took too long, i didn't get your message right away
Hi, your town's not showing up, did you close your gates? Sorry if i took too long, i didn't get your message right away
I I ididntdoanythingtocube Aug 28, 2017 Alright, cool! Just lemme add you real quick and i'll be right over!
I I ididntdoanythingtocube Aug 28, 2017 Really? That's so sweet of you! Would you like to drop it off or me to pick it up? Also would you like anything in exchange?
Really? That's so sweet of you! Would you like to drop it off or me to pick it up? Also would you like anything in exchange?
H H Hanzoisbae Aug 28, 2017 ok ill pick up soon gotta post contest entry look at my new sig though gril
T T tinycomet Aug 28, 2017 No problem! (And actually, you're doing me a favour, I wouldn't mind letting you take the items for 500k (I don't exactly need IGB too badly at the moment, and don't really want to rob people who are just helping xD) )
No problem! (And actually, you're doing me a favour, I wouldn't mind letting you take the items for 500k (I don't exactly need IGB too badly at the moment, and don't really want to rob people who are just helping xD) )
T T tinycomet Aug 28, 2017 I just found the wall and floor – did you want one of each (no extra cost)?
T T tinycomet Aug 28, 2017 Will do! ^-^ (Closed the thread because I'm doing a closet clearout thread instead :3 )