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  • thats fine with me, school is more important.
    Have fun with the school thing, if its a fun one.
    Okie dokie! I added you so just lemme know when I should open my gates. Also my town is a big mess so just find an empty spot and drop em!! n v n
    Ah! Okay! n v n Let me load up my game. Did you want me to pick up, or did you want to drop off?
    Worse case scenario, you can keep the TBT and giveaway the items to someone else. ; v ; I think our schedules are so different, it's hard to catch the other online unfortunately
    Heyyy just let me know when you're online. It seems we keep missing each other!!~
    oh i would love one for spring
    but hold on you might have to wait cause i gotta you know send the plans for the signature, also do you do text signatures too?
    oh okay
    and maybe you should give it another shot, cause those signature are beautiful and thats why i was thinking about you should open the shop again.
    Hey just checking to see if you’re online, I’m gonna be heading to bed soon, but if I miss you now I’ll just catch ya when I get up :)
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