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  • Heyo! I work 'til 7pm CST tomorrow, so idk if it'll work unless you wanna meet up after then. Otherwise, I'm off at 4pm on Saturday and I'm off Sunday and Monday
    Hiya! Thanks for ordering in my shop c: I'm quite busy atm but should be available tomorrow afternoon (nzdt)!
    Yo! I'll be available the rest of today and all of tomorrow! Let me know when/if you'll be available 0v0
    Hi! I have your 4 masks for Halloween. I should be free for a little bit. I can deliver or you can pick up if you'd like. Thank you! Happy Halloween!
    Alrighty, it is all good! I am unsure if I will be available then, but we'll figure it out! :)
    I did some math with the TBT prices at unknown rarity: 1, very common: 2, common: 3, uncommon: 4, and rare: 5, and got 324 TBT. I know that’s a lot, and I’m 100% willing to change some prices to make it cheaper, but it’ll be a little while before I’ll have a chance to redo it. So yeah let me know if you’re willing to wait :)
    (I did not expect it to be so much honestly)
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