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  • Oh you meant stay up later haha, no don’t even worry about that I’ll be on either at 10am CET or I can easily get up in time to get the stuff before 8pm :)
    If you mean 9 am that would probably work better since then it would only be midnight for me, but no worries either way :)
    Yeah that works 10am CET is 1am for me but if I’m awake I’ll message you and if not when I wake up we can do it. Thanks so much
    OMG I’m in shock I can’t believe it. Yay thanks so much. I’m on PST. I’m currently at work, but I should be home around 4pm PST if that works?
    hi! sorry i'm late! please let me know when's a good time to visit you, i'll be on all afternoon/evening. thank you!
    Lol that's okay, it happens to the best of us! I was just worried something went wrong!
    Thanks again! For the items and your patience! Sorry for the abrupt leave, ds started blinking red :p
    Hiya! Sorry for the bad communication, but I'm available tomorrow morning from 10am onwards. Hopefully we can trade then c: EDIT: oops sorry for the double message :x
    Hiya! Sorry for the bad communication, but I'm available tomorrow morning from 10am onwards. Hopefully we can trade then c:
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