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  • Could you please do it for me! :3 id be so happy aha
    i need the ones still in my town on one line, like in my sig, then Drago & Curt on the moved bit
    Walker is my number 1 favourite of all time... But I'm not sure if I want to trade him for Daisy. My heart lit up for a second, but I'm going to miss her if she's gone! ;_;
    Let me know if you have another arrangement, or deal!
    How did you get your signature so good? with no background etc
    were the sprites from the website i used? whenever i try to copy them from the website it doesnt let me?


    I TT'd two days on accident and he was gone.....
    I can try. i still have to TT to my current date, i restarted too.... BUT you could possibly take julian once you restart because hed move in.
    Bangle moves in tomorrow :D and her spot is in an amazing place, so she can stay put
    thanks again!
    its funny that you said that because I was resetting for her and she pops up after 5 resets!
    its fine its my fault! :( should've been on the freaking page when you first posted..hecka late
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