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  • Can I get Apple?! I will pay you whatever price! I need her so bad
    I won't be resetting until I get rid of most of my villagers, since I know quite a few are high-tier. Merengue's on hold for you, though.
    I adore Merengue, but I only have one copy of the game, so I can't take any of my previous villagers with me, which is sad.

    I would love O'Hare and Tia if it's not too much trouble?
    I thought she was a normal. In any case, I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'll keep checking in. I'm almost done getting my items ready for transfer. So many flowers @_@
    I already have Merengue and Nate. Bruce is moving in in the next few days. I've also got Willow too, if you're interested.
    Are you resetting your town soon? I'm considering doing the same, if I can. If I do, would you like Bluebear back? You can still have Daisy too. I also have Merengue, Nate and Bruce moving in soon.
    Thanks so much :D! after she didn't appear in WW & CF, i never thought id get her again :p
    Right i'm ready to get Bangle :D so shes all packed up and i just need to persuade her right? :)
    Right, Drago has left, so i can be over in about 5-10 minutes :D?
    need to add your friend code :)
    Yeah if Drago hasn't been collected in another hour or so, ill just have to give up, and come and get Bangle, because shes one of my dream villagers and i need her :p
    Are you deleting your town or something? when you say you need to get them all out today :p?
    Most definitely! And ick indeed. I didn't really WANT to take summer classes, but it's my last quarter at community college, so instead of going for fall quarter and transferring to uni in the spring, I'm doing this. It stinks since I don't really get a summer vacation, but such is life. At least I get to stay home most of the time, since only one of my classes actually meets in person xD
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