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  • tell me when you open the gates already.
    I'll rush as well after this. Might get Beau XD
    Yuka's moving already? O_O
    Damn this is fast.
    I have a slot tough. Added your FC. Are you open?
    That's totally fine! I've actually got some homework to catch up with (taking a bunch of online classes at the university), so I probably won't be around this weekend. I'm usually around during the week after 11am or so. Let's set a playdate sometime :3
    I have Lopez, Lyman, Gayle, Cheri, and Deirdre up for trade!!! I really want Kyle, interested?
    Yessss they're perfect!!
    I had Vesta & Eunice in the gamecube
    Vesta in Wild World
    Wendy & Eunice in CF
    now Timbra :D
    I've had atleast one sheep in every version of the game, so a town without a sheep, is just not a town for me :p
    Ahh I reset my game until i got a sheep as one of my original 5... and i got Timbra :) she's become one of my favourites. Tbh i love all of them except Pietro, and Baabara is a bit boring :)
    I would but i'd feel bad going back on that cherry-bones deal
    Aw im jealous of you getting Vesta though, she's great! :D are you getting her off that girl on the exchange thread? :)
    i see you're a fellow sheep lover like me.. is Muffy in your town?? :)
    I didn't know if the deal was still going on, im really sorry :( it's just i wanted Bones more than bluebear, and ah i feel bad now, sorry! :(
    Hey c: I heard you were looking for Muffy, I might be getting her in a trade soon
    and would let you have her o: What villagers do you have?
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