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  • She's actually not in boxes yet, but since I'm a careful cycler, I'll get her in boxes for you free. :)
    Just wanted you to be the first to know that I just found out (from what I know) that I'm not pregnant. Thank you so much for caring. Your so nice <3
    Awe thank you very much Bone Baby. I know that everything happens for a reason so I won't question it, though its hard to deal with sometimes.
    Aw, thank you! I hope you have a good day/night as well (by the way, I sent you a little something just 'cause. ;))!

    yeah, I'm hoping I can get all of the hybrids they release too (at least the giftable ones anyhow)

    By the way, do you have a mori yet? :rolleyes: it's technically a plant collectible a weirdly shaped weeaboo tree collectible
    Sweetie, that is very nice of you! I have no clue how many entered on my behalf, but I am honored! Keep/save your bells! I have had an outpouring of support! I have my fingers crossed to snag one during restock or maybe a friend will be able to get one from the winner's restock. :blush:
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