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  • The next i'll be able to see him is sept 6-10. You can give the event one to xerorain and i'll tell my friend about it. Is that alright?
    If I don't have a pokemon game, I don't think I can give the non code one to him. which one is the event one?
    Well thank you Bone Baby :3 You are part of the greats for me so please keep being so kind and sweet
    Oh wow. It must've taken forever to PM everyone. And no one can win 'em all! Thank you for this giveaway, kinda sad I didn't win, but I think you are fantastic!!!
    Ah, we went to a park today too and there were 50+ people hunting! It was so cool :)
    Eh, just wanted to check up on you. I'm excited for the new update though,
    Ah, that's cool! Is it a really populated area? I find that the major cities here are the best to hunt in. I know, it kills my battery so quickly! I have to carry around my portable charging thingie!
    I know. The 3-step glitch is such a pain! I've been slowing down a bit since the servers can't seem to stay up for an entire day. I love this game but when that happens it's so frustrating-- it makes me not want to play :( also, I feel like I'm running into the same Pokemon over and over and never finding any new ones!
    Hey there, thank you for the bells even though I didn't win! It was very kind of you to do that for everyone ^_^
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