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  • I recommend looking at the signature guide, it explains how to use the table there.
    Haha okay! That I can do on my laptop, I'll probably post that on your wall since I don't want to post merge :)
    I could crop one of those for you as well! It wouldn't show the wind, but it'd still be him in his suit :) :) Let me know if you'd like that !
    It's done!! Let me know if you want me to resize it LOL, I left enough room in case you wanted text / a spoiler, what not :)
    Hello!!! I was just gonna write to you, thanks for being so patient! My sister and I are going back to school soon so we've been busy buying a lot of stuff for when we're not living at home, but I will let you know when it's done tonight and post it on my thread! :) :)
    Thanks for showing me this! I was swimming so I wasn't able to see when he was available. :c
    Hey! Just wanted to keep you in the loop - I've been really busy today and haven't been able to work on your piece just yet. I don't want to rush and not do the best I can, so I'll most likely have it done tomorrow afternoon. Thanks so much for your patience :)
    Just saw your request! Sorry I went to sleep. So I can resize the pic to be in sig format for you! But if it's something like that where it's full body, costume, + a little background, would 100TBT be okay?
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