akidas Jul 26, 2014 Dorry for the late reply! But from my experiance yes someone will always want to move
I I inspirit Jul 26, 2014 Welcome!! Omg I'm relieved because i just opened my DS a while a go and Kid Cat moved out without me knowing :/
Welcome!! Omg I'm relieved because i just opened my DS a while a go and Kid Cat moved out without me knowing :/
MayorMudkip Jul 26, 2014 I liek mudkip so much. So much mudkip. I liked mudkips even before that meme. Mudkip hipster. Mudkipster Also mega swampert is gonna be so rad I'm so excited
I liek mudkip so much. So much mudkip. I liked mudkips even before that meme. Mudkip hipster. Mudkipster Also mega swampert is gonna be so rad I'm so excited
SableShy Jul 25, 2014 Actually on second thought I am available now. I'll go ahead and quit for tonight.
SableShy Jul 25, 2014 How long will you be on I'm in the middle of a training up a freshly hatched shiny pokemon and don't really want to stop but I can if you can't wait.
How long will you be on I'm in the middle of a training up a freshly hatched shiny pokemon and don't really want to stop but I can if you can't wait.
SableShy Jul 25, 2014 Lemme know when you wanna swap that sloppy stuff. Btw are you also missing the clock?
Cadbberry Jul 25, 2014 I found it, I was worried I had lost 300+ hours and all the legends XD :3 Added you and getting online
I found it, I was worried I had lost 300+ hours and all the legends XD :3 Added you and getting online