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  • Sure - just write me when you can come over and then I'll quit, change the date and open the gate for you. I will look into wether or not his house is still original in the meantime. I think he might have swapped one piece from his house. :/
    Okai - so Kabuki still has not pinged me - three villagers have moved out and three new ones have moved in (Anchovy - Shep and Pompom). Anchovy just pinged me - he is not by any chance of any interest to you? If not I'll let him leave.
    Ah really sorry I was offline but it looks like rayquaza was around and grabbed him for me. I'm still doing your commission, obviously! Thank you, sorry for the trouble!
    You're welcome <3 I hold Novi's villagers for free so I don't expect artwork haha, you deserve it x3
    And sure thing!
    Of course! You're giving me Fang for FREE dude, it's the least I can do x3 I'm sorry to hear about Lucky, I hope you get him back :c
    And that works out perfectly then since it's a pain to cycle out 16 villagers xD
    Well if you're that worried, would you like me to hold Novi's Punchy for you? I'm already holding three villagers for Novi anyway and you'll still be getting a commission by him too. I honestly don't mind ^^ but it's up to you. I talk to Novi often so it's not too hard for me.
    I know right?? Poor Walt and Rooney, bros forever haha! Why don't you hold Punchy now and cycle him out later for Novi?
    That's awesome! And yay for Walt! He's one of my favourite villagers <3 Kangaroos need more love ;-;
    And Novi probably won't be on until tomorrow because he's actually on a holiday at the moment but I'll send him a message for you ^^
    Haha! I recognised your avatar but not your username xD
    Well I don't need Fang right away since I'm still holding villagers for people in my cycling town but it wouldn't hurt to get my hands on him early :p And no I don't care for originality, as long as I have him I'm happy ^^
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