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  • Omg that was you?? Small world XD
    That's extremely nice of you to do that for me >w< but I was also looking for Punchy for Novi too haha. I'm glad you got him though, you're get a pic yay ^.^ But I have been looking for Fang if you're willing to sell him x3
    Hold Kabuki? Sure. He still won't leave. :p and he picked up a silly shirt from my shop with Flurrys face on it.
    sounds fine to me. here's a form to fill out for your signature; please send it via PM!
    Size: (in pixels) (max: 250tall x 715long)
    Background: (If like mine, please tell me the color or hexcode // transparent // ac grass cut in an arch)
    Villagers: (Dreamies or Current AND half images like mine, or full like rayquaza128's)
    Mayor Image: (Yes or No, only one style option, the same as my signature)
    Villager Names: (Yes or No, and Font type)
    Mayor Name: (+Font type)
    Town Name: (+Font Type)
    funny part is I have like none yet.. so much open space on the second island yet he chooses to cram himself between the town hall and Bam's house.
    I finally got him to plot a little earlier though lol He kept choosing the same spot like 5 times in a row sometimes.
    I actually couldn't get her anything.. :( I was plotting Rooney ALL DAY LONG. I might post to get her something really quickly.. I don't wanna not see her on her special day. :( I'm so glad I decided to try out Marina.. she's one of my favorites now. I can't thank you enough for showing me that post.
    Pfff, I have had EVERY OTHER villager tell me that they are leaving, several times. He is driving me insane x) but, I will just keep going. One day he will have to give in :p
    okay - then I will work on getting him into boxes right away. should my sister drop by and pick up Flurry?
    I am on it - will do my best to TT him out as quickly as possible but as with any new villager - they tend to stick around longer than the ones that have been there for a while. :p anyways, there is not something else you would rather have in return? Like something unorderable? DLC? I will do my best, tho if Kabuki is what you really want. :)
    Neat - I'll have her work on getting him in boxes and then I'll notify you when he is. Might take a little while since he just moved in, but she'll do her best. :)
    I just spoke to her - she also has Rosie, Aurora and Pecan in her town. :) all are unoriginal, but she wants to keep Aurora out of the three. you're free to take Kabuki if you want to. She is planning to void him if nobody wants him. She is the only user I have added to my friendslist on here, btw. Her username is zebra2 if you prefer to chat with her in person. :)
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