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  • no, she has her own 3DS and her own copy of the game. :) I'm not all sure what villagers she has. I think she has Fauna, Marshal, Felicity and Maple (that she wants to keep), Kabuki that moved in today and that probably is original that she doesn't want to keep, Bill that has been with her forever (not original) that also could go and well, there is at least 8 villagers, but I just can't remember the rest. :p I can ask her later and report back to you then.
    aaw, you did? :( that's such a shame. what villager did you have in mind? I must warn you that none of my villagers are original. :/ they keep bying stupid stuff :p
    neat - but my little sister is the one who will be picking up Flurry if you get her in boxes. :) I would do it if I could, but I already have Flurry in my town. :) preferably you won't want 40 million this time, and not because I don't have the money, but because it was such work to give it to you. :D just keep me posted tho.
    I am looking to trade Zell eventually after he requests all the Smug PWPs, but if no one offer anything to trade you can have him. : >
    it's all good, i shouldn't take anymore dreamies for now anyways.. I need to get pwp suggestions and I actually wanna cycle so i dont wanna hold villagers in my cycle town
    I can do it tomorrow - have to go fix my clock so that I don't suddenly have a tenth villager by then, tho. :p
    it's 03:43 here now, by the way, but I'm sure I'll be available whenever you want to do this.
    is everything okay? I figured out what paying through retail is all about :) I could do that - either way is fine.
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