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  • It's the Down throw to Air attack aint it? It's kinda brutal if you can do it alot 8(

    I'll play with other characters anyways, wouldn't be fun if I used Weej all the time, I'll prolly jump on in about 10 mins? gotta get ready to jump into bed, woop.
    Well I sorta rage quit vs Jarrad earlier because his Ness rekt me so hard so I got salty and just said he won the game since it was only 1-0 haha, so I'm in the losers as of now, I have to battle with Lars I believe.

    I don't mind you using Rosie, heck, I **** around with her at times, I just shoot Luma off the stage to look "Stronk".

    I don't mind doing a few battles if you're up for it anyways, Jarrad said I should use Weej more often, even though I feel like I spam with him 8(
    I haven't actually been playing MH4 properly for like the last week or so, been trying to get better at Smash bros, Thankfully Jarrad is willing to fitemeirl on it!
    S'all good! what HA are you at the moment actually?

    Ugh, also I wanna get the EX Ingot armor on my main but hella, that quest to get the item is hella dumb, I'll check Powersaves actually.
    Naw shamefully I missed you, my dumb cold has made me very sleepy sob.

    Also because it was like 4AM in the morning ._.
    No worries! by all means, your real life stuff is much more important!

    I'm trying to find alternative weapons that Link could use :U
    tfw you can't hone the Master Sword and Hero's Bow on Monster Hunter :(

    Also whenever you're free to go do the fights, lemme know 8)
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