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  • Best out of three would be the better option, we can have a few practice matches if you want to :)

    Would it be fine to do things tomorrow? I'm close to finishing MH4 on my Link character so I wanna get that done asap!!
    I think I do! but it's on my other laptop which I don't have with me right now. I'll have it in a few days and I'll PM you the gif then :)
    rip, wish I could give gear but yeh 8(

    I'll jump on now and do a few Gore Runs with you, same stuff as last time? (Private room and just farmin' him for your parts?)
    They're ALL Electric!! Zinogre isn't too hard, Kirin is fast and annoying to hit because alot of attacks it can deflect, it's semi strong so it can take people out if they're not careful and the Rajang isn't as bad as the Kirin on the speed but it's projectile/beam can easily do 75% Health on someone (about 40% due to my hacked armor) and can shake the ground alot.
    Had too many tries on the quest anyways, got really close with 4 people but one derped and got insta killed.

    I'll help you out yeah.
    Gimmie a boot if you need help at all, I managed to get from HR1 - HR4 in about 2 hours, but that's the fact of my gear being maxed out I guess :/
    It'd probably be better with 4 people though, I can tell you that, soloing them wasn't possible, I mean, I NEARLY beat both of them but died because of the monster's luck.

    I'll host a room in a few, we'll try to get 4 Players, I'll obviously have to test if you can even get into the quest first since it's a High Ranked quest.
    I'll be working on my Link save in the meantime and I'll do it on my Hacked save with you later then.

    Though I dunno if that'll work since HR 4 IS High ranked quests and all.
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