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  • Sure, but I'd have to do it in about an hour.

    Also I think we should just farm our way up there, I need to get the stuff for my "Link" save anyways and I need to get up to HR4
    Heh, Powersaves just got me my gear, I'm still gonna struggle on the hard stuff :p

    I believe if you try to join me via friends, you should have to put a 4 digit code in, which is "1992"
    tfw I posted BOTH on my profile

    otherwise I can just make the room and get the quest for it, I think it's the HR2 Urgent quest for the GH.
    Naw, the stuff's spread evenly, wouldn't be fair otherwise! I obviously won't need any of the drops anyways if that was the case though.

    Since I can host a Gathering hall, other people can join, you'd have to join me on the in-game friendslist :>
    But if you'd prefer to duo it, that's fine, I can make a Hall with a password so yeh!
    Ah, okay! That's good to know :3 I was sort of hoping for the game to be challenging xD
    Aha, this is like the first time I've been on since December xD and Thank you! How is the game? I've heard it's good, but I just want to make sure :3
    (if you dont know the difference between blunt/cutting, blunt it basically impact damage, which can KO the monster, allowing free hits, and cutting it to cut parts off monsters (ie; tails))

    yea idm im down to hunt whenever, just shoot me a message ^ ^
    one of the best ways to get better is to hunt with other players tho
    tbh i'm not too great with their armor since they're new to the 4th gen so i dont really have any experience with them LOL

    if you're still in low rank tho, the mario/luigi armor is best and DK hammer because they've got the best attack/defense at the start of the game (mario hat prioritises attacks to large monsters and luigi hat prioritises attacks to small monsters so just pick the one on what you want them to hunt)

    but since you can only make one of the mario + DK set, i just use some random set for me second palico LOL. I think i use the kecha wacha armor + plesioth sword on my second one (for low rank), in high rank i kept the armor coz i cb to change it, but i use a tetsu sword.

    main thing is just to pick an armor that has good defense (i dont really care about elemental defense), and a weapon with a good attack - and whether you want it to do blunt or cutting damage. i usually have one of each (one with cutting and one with blunt) but that's totally up to you.
    Hey, sorry I didn't see this till now. Had a busy week :) I am still looking for Muffy, but I haven't got room just now.
    Ya I won't be home till about 7ish or later est tonight (I'm at school and I have a basketball game later), if you want I could wait until the weekend, and how much Btb would you be looking for?
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