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  • Same to you!

    Take your time with the TBT, I'm not in any particular hurry to get it back. :) I still have like 22k to spend if I decide I need something.

    Enjoy your game!
    Codes can get us some pretty awesome stuff, so I'm fully interested in taking advantage of it. : D My boyfriend has 620 coins in his account and he never told me. .-. I have 480. I'm hoping that one or both of us can get to 800 by the time they expire.
    Sounds like the same ratio they've been using for a long time, so that's fine with me~
    Works for me. xD

    And sounds good! What's the going rate for CN coins right now? I can deduct the TBT value from the 2800 if they're codes I need.

    *I am totally the new Nook*
    Sure, that's fine if you pay them off first. : D

    I'm not really interested in collectibles (sorry), so just TBT if you can. The only other thing I might think about accepting are Club Nintendo codes. That messenger bag is sweeet and I only have 480 coins right now. xD;
    Nah, there's no hard time limit. I'd prefer it back before a silly amount of time has passed (4 or 5 months? Kinda long in my opinion), but basically whenever you've got it works for me. In a series of smaller amounts or in a lump sum are both fine, so whichever is easiest for you.
    Ooh, nice!

    Did you want to take out a loan for 2800 TBT? So that you can pay off your seller so they don't get antsy about waiting for you to get the TBT? You've been around this forum long enough that I trust you to pay me back, and it's not like my TBT is gaining interest in the ABD. o:
    They haven't announced any registration windows yet, so I have no idea, sorry. o:

    Did you find someone to sell you a code for a predetermined price?
    I got north half of town done, again. lol Thanks I had to go! I found 2 clovers so will send 10 tbt!
    Oh sorry, people kept having things coming up so I wasn't getting the tbt, but now I have 20 tbt!
    Ah I can't donate too much.. bc I kind of splurged on collectables but I'll send what I can.
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