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  • Oh wow! That's amazing! I'm guessing you have to be over a certain age and no bad wi-fi ratings right? I'm not sure about infringement rules or anything though. Do you know when administrators, such as yourself, will be putting out applications and if I can apply when we are able to?
    May I ask you how you became an admin? I asked Jake and I got I had to have a masters degree in baking and basket weaving haha
    It feels like my anus decided to join in on the Splatoon hype too literally :(
    I have had a rly bad diarrhoea feeling in my bowels for a week now and idk what to do pls help :(
    Ah, hopefully you can get some relaxing and chill time this weekend! :> Mmm, can't complain too much! Although it's been so hot here, we're melting D:
    But you're not very mean. Though I had to admit that changing Jeremy's name to Dorkenstein was the biggest troll attempt I ever seen from anyone on this site. It makes the trolling on "Troll the person above you" look like weak trolls. Not only that, but I still see "Dorkenstein" as the last poster on some of the threads. I wonder when that will get fixed.
    If you were a villager in ACNL, you would be one of the creepiest looking villagers, but with the Normal personality (like Goldie and Mitzi).
    Haha, same here ;) Also the best thing to watch if you need some cheering up! I wonder how these people even reproduce, or get 14 children...
    By the way, thanks for posting that prangent video in your blog. I swear I must have watched it a bit too much but still getting severe stomach pain due to laughter every time I watch it :p
    How did I miss this VM?

    That's great, I hope your birthday was more like Halloween because you have embraced the spookiness. Haha! :D

    Hope you had a wonderful day! :)
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