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  • i'm ok thanks. excuse me now, as i must go over to FR and do my chores there :rolleyes:

    btw, when is Jeremy going to deed this place over to you so it can be run properly? ;)
    how are you doing? hope things have been better.
    btw are your cats okay? didnt see any pix of them in the bottle counting games.

    Never mind then, Administrator Oblivia...
    My VM's were sent to "Your friend only". Yes, yes... OK!
    I couldn't really look at your avatar. I can't believe you like really scary stuff like that.
    hello ♡

    ive been surviving you could say. have you been well? it feels like it's been forever since I've heard about what you've been up to and what silly places your cats are napping in. ~
    It is not ok that you have that profile picture and talking about how you would like to talk about cannibalism.
    your ACNL bead sprites are adorable! sadly i could not afford to purchase one this time, although had i made it to community voting in a contest and placed, then i would have snagged one for sure.
    do you sell them at etsy or anythng?
    That's pretty cool!

    You could also get easy access into viewing my VMs because of your pretty hair. I wonder how Trump will ever get to post on my VMs if he was a member on this site.
    I closed my visitor messages to "friends only". Do you still have access to my VMs, or you can't see them?
    Are you interested into reading my review I linked in my signature? I am hoping that the staff can see it.
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