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  • well goddamn you make a good admin because that's definitely something jer or justin would say :p
    Hi, I was just wondering for Count Inside the Bottle why the deadline was today. On the first post it says each challenge will last three days, but the current challenge has only been up for two days since the 15th when it was posted.
    I actually realised that after I sent you that message. Very dumb of me. Thanks for clarifying again, though!
    Does the eShop gift card count as a physical prize? I'd rather not disclose my home address, but was wondering if the code itself could be given online, should I have any chance at all of winning?
    Darn, am I too late to submit a scavenger hunt picture? : | Sorry I missed the closing time OTL

    heads up if you care enough, your underline bbcode in the recent cloning thread is broken (last closing bracket is missing)
    Ah, I should probably get my hands on at least an Earth sprite ; v ; but I always spend my money on genes! -3- I'm really digging the new skink and spinner styles, so I might try to give those to a new derg.

    Ah, NotN sounds awesome! Also, helps fill the void since there isn't a regular festival in December, correct? :> I really like the nocturne design, so I'd love to get some in more Earthy colors~ AND it's right after the Earth festival so it'll be a good two months on FR XD

    Ah, yes, and I'm sure all of the amazing work you guys put into the fair is probably a lot to handle too! :< But I can say that we all really appreciate it! <3 I hope you can find some time to rest and recoup c:
    Question if I get a perler bead
    Do I have to pay the fee because I live in Puerto Rico?
    Or I don't because Puerto Rico it's part of USA (without being a state)
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