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  • HELLO! Just wanted to leave a message here to say a big thank you to all the work you put into the fair! It was SO much fun, especially since it was my first fair! I’m extremely impressed by how it turned out (and I also really appreciate the effort that all of you clearly put into it!) The organizing, gifts, collectible designs, posters, and EVERYTHING was so beautifully made and well-done. A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE OF YOU! Truly! I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
    btw your voice didn't sound tired or sarcastic.
    altho, i was expecting a granny voice tbh, what with your fandom of buttermints and cats...
    Yeah, but I don't think you have demon teeth or anything that makes you look like a troll.

    I thought Justin was the troll admin. Making all these hard mirrors. And he's not clearing out the tags in the restocks thread.
    Your new avatar is too scary looking. How could someone who looks pretty in real life have a scary avatar?
    in that case, it sounds like you should be a judge in the next poetry contest (or blues song-writing challenge...)
    Sorry to bother you again, but have the scavenger hunt tickets for the latest challenge been given out yet? I haven't received any yet, so I'm just curious. Sorry if this is annoying!
    so i just saw the "crazy cat dragon" package in the gem shop, and it dawned on me--
    are you secretly also an admin at Flight Rising???
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