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  • To me, EST is too mainstream. Even if UTC is based on GMT, EST is what New York and DC follow.
    Ah, I wasn't around for the bears and the soldiers but the soldiers don't look very nice to me ; v ; the bears are cute, but agreed they're really random. Goblins definitely feel more dragon-y to me lol. And yes! I don't have any of the sprites but they goblins are nice compliments to them.

    Ah, hope everything is ok IRL :< yeah, I haven't been active there either. Doing the dailies and minimally participating in the festivals, but I do enjoy those as I haven't experienced most of them. And when is Night of the Nocturne? I thought that was a one time thing for some reason XD I would love to get a nocturne egg myself, not just through buying it on the auction house!

    Oooh, what is DragonVale? Is it like Flight Rising?
    Ah, me neither! I didn't try very hard for this one, but I really enjoyed the familiar! I hope that they continue on with the goblin series! What projects are you currently working on?

    I feel like my lair is really stagnant right now... I haven't added a new dragon to it in forever ; v ;
    Did you have any cool projects in Happy Home Designer? I constantly change mine, but I have cool projects.
    Actually, it's Tom Nook's house. And I'm making it look like a luxury house. I even put the cash from HHN Challenge #5 and treasure chests in Nook's basement to show what kind of character Tom Nook is.

    When I work on Reese's house, maybe I should fill it with coelacanths.
    Oh, sorry for misunderstanding.

    I'm playing Happy Home Designer right now. Can you guess who's house I'm decorating and how I'm decorating it? Hint: it's a special character.
    It's in the Bulletin Board. I thought all mods and admins know about it. You must be sarcastic.
    Sorry for referring to the wrong issue in my post aha. I'm quite tired right now and wasn't thinking right. So sorry that you had to clean up after my mess!
    It's nice to see you again. I was offline for ten months.

    Congrats on the admin promotion!
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