HMCaprica Dec 15, 2015 I just noticed that I didn't receive any snowflakes for my snowman submission and I am wondering why? I spend 10 hours on glue it together and worked hard it for this event so what is the problem?
I just noticed that I didn't receive any snowflakes for my snowman submission and I am wondering why? I spend 10 hours on glue it together and worked hard it for this event so what is the problem?
R R RainCrossing Dec 14, 2015 Are we allowed to make our snowmen by glueing coloured paper onto paper? (^O^☆♪
T T timecapsule Dec 2, 2015 Never thought of reporting it for close :0 Thanks! Have a nice night or day lol
T T timecapsule Dec 2, 2015 Okay, thanks. Just the ones titled 'closed', for some reason it doesn't let me close threads that are mine sometimes
Okay, thanks. Just the ones titled 'closed', for some reason it doesn't let me close threads that are mine sometimes