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  • Hi Oblivia! congrats on getting the moderator position. I'm super late lol.
    I was wondering if you could delete some old threads of mine for me? Like the ones titled "closed".
    not too sure if you guys can/do actually do that but what better way to find out than to actually ask. thanks! :)
    Thank you so much for the lights, so kind of you! :blush: *stares at the pretty glowing lights*
    oh that's cool!! i had my break starting yesterday. i can't wait for thanksgiving!
    To be honest, I'm far to lazy to find a reason why to fill out the report form.
    Now I ask
    How are you?
    I also ask for my cats, and I will pay
    I literally have a screenshot of you saying "I steal ALL the cats".
    Sadly I can't post it because iPods suck.
    i saw you replied on the "people you want to talk to on the forums" thread, so...
    hello oblivia!! how are you doing?
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