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  • Hi Oblivia, I feel like I need a username change, so I bought one, but how do I apply it? I also haven't chose my username yet :c. Sorry for bothering ^^"
    Oh so there can be many people who win the same prize if they guess the same number?
    Hi! :)
    I have a question about the sugar stashing contest, if someone guessing the same number as some else and it's close enough to win some sort of prize. Who gets the prize?
    Thanks :)
    I know right? I just noticed that you didn't have the '+' next to your name and had to rectify it immediately.
    It's official now. ;)
    Do you have a secret meeting when you discuss that all your profile pictures are gonna match and you all pick them to go together.
    Also, was the fruit restock last night or is it tonight? Sorry to keep on bothering you!
    Hi :)
    I have a bit of a problem with my signature, in some posts it looks fine. but in some there is a gap at the bottom. Please could you help me? And sorry if i'm being dumb or something
    Hi yall removed my sig but how was it to high :eek: it's been like that for over 2months now and it just got removed....
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