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  • I try my best to not waste anyone's time and efforts, so I do put a lot of effort into trying to handle everything! Thanks again and have a great night!
    Bahh, originally, I had a friend who was able to hold her around 2 hours ago but he bailed on me. And I think the cycler I asked is inactive and is probably full. Is it ok if I made a quick thread to find someone who can hold her. If you're not okay with that's ok. If I can't find someone in 15-20ish minutes, then I could just let her go. ;-;
    Ok so nothing has changed in my town and I can't pick her up. I'm so sorry for holding you up for sooo long, I feel so bad. I'm really sorry!
    I'm just clarifying this, but by "tomorrow evening" did you mean this evening or like tomorrow? you wrote the message late so I'm not sure which one evening you meant. (x
    I'm on Skype now, and tried to add you to no avail. I've updated my profile with my Skype handle if you're still interested in rambling with me.:)
    Ahh, you've played MW too! Awesome. "Sexually ambiguous character" -is that a reference to the less than stellar Player character designs, or a relationship with the infamous Crassius Curio? Either way, I'm fascinated! :D

    Anyway, I will add you on Skype next time I have a chance, likely Friday or Saturday. Cheers, Oblivia!
    I hope you enjoyed some quality sleep last night, Oblivia! Our convo totally fired up my imagination- after I get some work down around here I'm going to go spend too much money in the Dream Suite. :D

    Oblivion was a fantastic game- it took a while for me to reconcile the differences between it and its predecessor, Morrowind, but once I did, I had a blast. It's also a really fun game to mod, which is how I ended up with a character that looked more Korean MMO than Oblivion-ish. Anyway, I was involved in that community for a long time. Skyrim is fun for me too, but it has such a different aesthetic, that I have to be in the mood for it. I'll stop rambling now. :D
    I LOVE this idea. And your villager choices are excellent. All I can say is...how can I help make this vision come true? I've seen a lot of horror towns that are really just the usual scary dolly, customized blood textures on furniture, kind of thing. Your horror town is more of a haunted carnival thing- oooh, like you could use all the play ground PWPs, or that outdoor screen with Tortimer's face flashing constantly, like a sadistic overseer. Oblivia, thanks for waking up my bored brain tonight!

    PS- the new avatar is my old Oblivion character...playing on PC was a trip. But the Apple sig is still in place!
    I've been sitting here trying to imagine who else to add in a horror town- I think some candidates could be Lobo, Croque, and Moe- esp. Moe and Lobo, because their eyes look like reflections in a funhouse mirror...hmm..I'll keep brainstorming. It will be the only thing keeping me from falling asleep as I TA this online class I am currently avoiding. :D
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