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  • lol yeah can be quite frustrating. xD Thanks! I hope you can get Cookie into the perfect spot as well. C: You're town is so perfect by the way!! I love the map too! So well planned out. :D
    Ah okay. xD Sure! It's no problem. :D I'll probably start plot resetting for Whitney soon. C:
    Oh no. D: I forgot to clear void. Hopefully as long as you pick up Cookie today it should override my villager if your game picked him up. It was Henry the frog. xD Okay, let me know.
    Sorry for the delay. :C I'm here and I'll be online to trade! I'll search for gates so when you open yours, I'll just join immediately. c:
    Not a problem hehe. You may want to make sure your friend does this too so you do not have a random move-in. To clear a void, you have a voided villager, and then you visit a town with 10 villagers while none are in boxes. That way they cannot move in but they are registered as moved out in your game. n on I didn't clear my void from the first town Tammy was in, so she moved into this second town.
    Aw alright. <3 :D Well I think I'll be free to take her very soon. Whenever you get back online, send me a message and we'll meet up!
    All I ask is you make sure your void is clear, Marshal is set to move in and I'll be kinda upset if he doesn't ^^"
    Other than that we're on~ Tell your friend it is no hurry, I can keep doing this as long as you remind me
    Hey there! I may be able to take her in an hour but if that's not a good time feel free to void her because I don't want you to lose another chance with Cookie! I'm having a rough day so I don't have too much time to get on the 3ds.
    That's very kind of you, thanks! ;; Is there anyone who you are looking for right now?

    Haha I was the same when I finally managed to get Tammy out. They never move when you actually need them to so it's so rewarding when they finally ping! I'm glad to hear that you've finally managed to get her, congrats! <3
    Ahh damn, I'm always too late haha! But thank you so much, I appreciate the sentiment. :) Also congrats on getting her to finally move! Are you going to get Tammy soon, then?
    Heyyyy Orieii! I'm sorry to bug you but I was wondering if you still had Whitney? I've finally gotten through the 16 villager cycle for her so I'm trying to find her again! Obviously if you don't then don't worry about anything but I just thought I'd ask! Thanks. :)
    just to let you know i will be gone for a while, i will be back soon~
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