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  • Hello, let me know when I can come by to deliver sand castle, eggplant cow, and blue ogre mask :)
    Hey Orieii! I found a Cookie for you. :) I won her on a thread for four million bells. I do have four million if you want to take it (I have plenty of money). Let me know when or if you're willing to pick Cookie up and I'll coordinate with this other person. c:

    Edit: Sorry double post!
    Hey Orieii! I found a Cookie for you. :) I won her on a thread for four million bells. I do have four million if you want to take it (I have plenty of money). Let me know when or if you're willing to pick Cookie up and I'll coordinate with this other person. c:
    I think this bear knew it was me and was like "no I have to get away" = q=;; That's fine!
    If you still don't have Tammy, I ended up saving her from my own void ' o'
    I'm so sorry to hear Cookie voided! :( It sounds like you might be able to get her from Dear still so that's a good sign. I'll keep my eye out for another Cookies as well for you. And thank you! I'll be patiently waiting. :D Aw, you are too!! c:
    Yeah! She didn't even tell me she was moving or anything, nor did anyone else. :/ I feel reall awful! I've seen Cookie around a lot lately so I'm for sure going to look for you! I'm so sorry again ;n; I just feel terrible! I really do want to pay for her to make it up!
    AH I am so sorry! I accidentally TTed too far and Cookie was voided, I feel really awful. I am going to put out an ad on tumblr and keep my eye out for Cookie on here, and will purchase her for you ASAP! I really feel awful because I know you really want her oh my gosh ;v;
    You're too sweet ;v; !! Yesss that would be amazing! :D I wouldn't want her to go to the void! I don't mind that she is unoriginal. C: Thanks so much!! Just let me know whenever she ends up in boxes. ^ ^ And indeed, I'm really glad I could give away Cookie to such a loving home! :'D
    Damn that's a shame. :/ I'll make a thread for her now! I'm so sorry about this, I hope you can find her soon! <3
    I'll be able to hold her for probably two or three hours more. If you can't get space I'll have to void her/give her away to someone else. I hope you can sort it out! ;;
    I understand the feeling. I used to find Tammy cute as hell but now I've started to resent her a little haha.

    Any luck this time?
    Hey! I have some important announcements on the Dream Town Contest thread - I tried to PM you about it but your inbox is full! xD
    You're most certainly welcome! I'm here so much now that I feel like I might as well help others get their dreamies too, especially to those who seem very sweet. C: Indeed, my friend is extremely happy to have Cookie! :) No need to repay me!! Making someone else happy is enough for me. :D Just a random act of kindness. c: Enjoy Cookie!!
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